You can help make your exam a success by following a few simple steps before the procedure.
For an exam of the upper GI tract (esophagus and stomach), you'll be asked to restrict your diet to ensure that your stomach is empty and can be viewed clearly. Your physician will give you the instructions that you need to follow to prepare for this exam.
For an exam of the lower GI tract (colon), you will be asked to restrict your diet and take a laxative to ensure that your colon is empty and can be viewed clearly. You should be excreting clear, lightly colored liquid when you have completed the prep.
Your physician will give you the specific instructions you are to follow for your exam. You should receive these instructions 24-48 hours prior to your procedure. You must follow your instructions completely in order to be prepared for the exam.
Please call your physician if you have not received your instructions, are having problems tolerating the prep or have concerns about the effectiveness of the prep.